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<< Trabalhos

Without looking back

If my arms were wings
I would fly home
And I would run to your hug, Father.
I want so much to leave
But it's not because I do not want to live
It's just because I do not want to suffer anymore.
And with you the tears will cease
And the crying will no longer be heard
And the joy here so ephemeral
With you will be dressed forever.
How I wanted to see an open door
I would call everyone I want with me
And I would leave without looking back.
And leave to your care those who remain here
And I would leave without looking back.
Yes, I would leave without looking back.
I do not understand so many why.
And I think I do not want to understand
I just want them to fall apart.
And let the door come open
And that my arms were wings
And I would leave without looking back.


I'm in the middle of the desert
Loking for what you dream
I'm tired and hurt
Painful is my walk
My heart desires to stop.
When weakness
Come beg my soul

But on the look of passing
I do not want to go back
Even with few forces
I want your dreams to live

At each step
I approach
From my limit
And my exhausted feet
They are tempted to give up
But in weakness
A force was born
This comes from God for me.
This force
It drives me.

Do not separate

There is a dream in my heart
A resrved place
To my great love
That so long ago
I've been waiting.

Oh God, where are you from?
Hear what I'm going to say.
Come and join me in this love.
What I so long to find
Come and open my eyes.
For me to recognize him
Even in the middle
To a crowd
Make me understand
That this union was made
By your divine hands

That we are connected
More than passionate
United in your love
Do not separate.


Part I

You are the one who sits
On the highest and most sublime throne
You will reign forever
You are the Savior

You painted the sky
You formed the Earth
You made the sea
And all that is in them
By the power of Your Word

Saint Saint Saint,
Let's sing together with the angels
Worthy of receiving
Glory, honor and power

For you have created all things
And for your sake are and were created
By your word
Jesus, you are the Lord!

Part II

The sun and the various planets
Obey your orders
And the great multitude of stars
You know by name.
You are the Almighty
You are the Creator.

For you have created things
And for your sake are and were created
By your word
Jesus, you are the Lord!

Saint Saint Saint,
Let's sing together with the angels
Worthy of receiving
Glory, honor, and power.

Be the one

Where is the sound of your voice?
How to feel your perfume?

How much do I have to walk
o that your touch reaches me?
And how long to wait
To be able to hug you?
I want you to take me in your arms
And to feel that I need not be afraid.
I desire to know Jesus
Just looking at your way.
Just as he loves me
You will love me too.
I'll see him when I look at you,
And when I cry, he'll hold me
When you to welcome me in your chest.
I will learn to love being loved
For the prince and the king.
For the son of a heavenly Father
And I will know what is to live in a kingdom.
His kingdom is immortal.
Teach me to love,
Be the one to conquer me,
The first and the last
That I want in my life.


Masks hiding bad looks,
Threads that manipulate puppets,
Bleached sepulchers that conceal rot,
Sheep costumes, wolf camouflage
Ties that suffocate
They close the door through which they do not enter.
Pharisees with open Bibles
Are as angels of light,
But they bring darkness.
Oh Lord, the Good Shepherd,
Take care of the herd you bought
For high price
Let no one take it from your hands
That your consumer zeal
Expel the merchants
They sell it for 30 silver coins.
May his cross don't stop speak
If the bride will be silent
May the stones announce their salvation.
And those who praise only with the lips
Touch the dust and tear the heart
Offering you true worship
That your eyes are searching.

My cross

Though armies surround me
And if I was get thrown in prison

Or even if the stones hit me
The world hates me
And giants come in my direction.

Open my eyes for me to see
How much greater is the Lord
What is with me
May the praises not be silent
Do not even take the crown off me.
And do not even kill my love for you.

Even though I face the lions
And thy Spirit lead me to the desert
Even if I to face the furnace
For my faith to be refined
And I to be tempted by hell.

Even though I take my cross
Remember me in your kingdom.
I give myself to you
For to be with you in paradise
Even if the cup will be bitter
And the long wait will make my soul sick.

Open my eyes for me to see
How much greater is the Lord
What is with me
May the praises not be silent
Do not even take the crown off me.
And do not even kill my love for you.

I wait

In the middle of the desert
I fold my knees

And your holy name
I call at all times
I look at the sky
In search of miracle
And I see the cloud
Sign of your hand
Stretched out over me.
I wait for the rain
That will quench my thirst
And to make my seeds sprout
Your presence sustains me
While I wait...

The rain that will quench my thirst
And make my seeds sprout
Your presence sustains me.


In my winter,

Old sheets come to the floor.
And I hibernate in my heart,
I wake up to the sound
Of a new song.
I sincerely desire your housing in me
In the cold, I to seek for your heat
Shelter where I take refuge.
Pruning renews me
And takes more and more
My imperfection.
And I open space

For the sweet fruit
Of your redemption.
My sun, I wait for you.
In the middle of the night
I remember your love.
Shine on me
The love of many
Unfortunately has cooled.
Warm me up. Warm me up.
Sun of justice, warm me.

Eliane Mariz

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